Tuesday 14th September 1819
Sept 14th Having breakfasted with Mr and Mrs Maccloy We left Wick for Berridale where we slept being obliged to return to Inverness the same road we had come
The Coplands have spent the last couple off days exploring the North and Northeastern coastline of Scotland, returning each night to their inn at Wick and, today and yesterday breakfasting with the McCloys, in today’s entry recorded by Lucy as Maccloy. We have been unable to obtain a contemporary map showing roads in detail, but Reverend John Marius Wilson's Imperial Gazetteer of Scotland, first published in parts between 1854 and 1857, gives us an idea of the roads they traveled. The Berrydale Inn is shown on the Southeastern side of the map.
Caithness Shire , Lithograph from the Imperial Gazetteer of Scotland published by A. Fullarton & Co London & Edinburgh. http://www.rareoldprints.com/z/19585
The quaint map of 'Orcades - Caithness', below, was more contemporaneous. It gives us Berrydale, Wick, Thurso, Dunnet and Duncansby. Published in 1823 in G. B. Depping's L'Angleterre. Ou Description Historique et Topographique Du Royaume Royaume Uni De La Grande-Bretagn, it was produced from the research of Aristide Michael Perrot and engraved by Adrien Migneret . https://antique-prints-maps.com/acatalog/ref1.php?imagefile=../largeimages/MapPerrotOrcades16.jpg
1823: Perrot - Orcades and Caithness. https://antique-prints-maps.com/acatalog/ref1.php?imagefile=../largeimages/MapPerrotOrcades16.jpg
Can you help us?
Old Regency Prints, Pictures an Coaching maps: Do you have access to any prints or pictures showing what town and country would have looked like when Lucy travelled through? Any illustrations of what she would have seen in 1819 will enliven our research.
New Pictures: Do you have any modern pictures of the streets, buildings, gardens and views that would enable us to see the changes that two centuries have wrought?